What's the Fair all about?
Since 1973, Shepperton Village Fair has been a major annual family event, attracting thousands of people. Actually, it’s the largest event of its type in Spelthorne Borough!
Held close to the Thames on Manor Park (see map here), the Fair kicks off with a large Procession through the High Street, followed by spectacular arena displays, fairground rides, stalls, competitions, a huge Marquee & the famous Great Nauticalia Raft Race.
When is the Fair held?
The usual date for the Fair is the second Saturday in June.
Who runs the Fair?
The Fair is organised by local volunteers – a Committee of around ten people – all private Shepperton residents. Most of us have lived here for many years. The current Chair, Dik Gregory, has been in post for more than 20 years and was Secretary for three years before that. Others have been involved even longer with one going all the way back to 1973! But it’s not all old timers. Our two newest Committee members are only one year old!
Our primary aim is to produce a fun event for the enjoyment of the whole village and surrounding community.
In the process, the Fair promotes local charities, organisations and businesses.
How is the Fair funded?
The Fair costs over £30,000 to arrange each year and entry is free to the visiting public.
About a third of the funds come from plot fees charged to stallholders. Around half is raised via the generous sponsorship of local businesses and grant authorities, to whom we are most grateful. The rest is raised from local residents via the raffle and onsite collection boxes
Who receives the profits?
The Fair is organised as a break-even event, and usually doesn’t make any profits. Just occasionally the Committee is able to assist a local cause with a small amount of surplus funds.
By contrast, the stallholders tend do very well from the many thousands of people that come to the Fair. For some charities, the Fair is their primary source of income for the whole year!
How can I help?
Please navigate this site to explore ways in which you can participate. If you would like to become a Fair sponsor, let us know.
If you fancy helping with the organisation of the Fair, we have more information.
But the most important thing you can do is to make sure you visit us on the day – see you there!